soins de santé
Why Sponsor TOBFC?
The Olive Branch for Children is committed to reducing poverty and enabling the future we want to see for our children and beyond. We strive to establish community-led programs that empower people, giving them knowledge and resources to achieve their potential while transforming lives, families, and communities.
TOBFC relies solely on volunteers for fundraising and events. Every dollar generated helps to achieve our goals, and more than 95¢ of every dollar raised directly funds our programs in Tanzania.
We welcome sponsorships from many types of organizations – corporations, non-profits, unions, foundations, schools, churches, and more. Partnering with TOBFC can help build your organization’s brand awareness through social media profiles and logo placements on our website that link back to yours.

program SponSORs
Program sponsors provide significant financial contributions that fund the operation of TOBFC programs. Contact us to see how you can support specific TOBFC programs that resonate with your organizational or social responsibility goals – from mobile medical clinics, youth education, and reforestation initiatives to infrastructure development and community cooperative banking programs.
program partners
Program partners support smaller, key pieces of TOBFC programs. TOBFC has many community partners, including churches, schools and non-profit organizations as well as businesses, that provide financial contributions, work in partnership with TOBFC to deliver programs, or provide in-kind goods and services.
sustainability sponsors and partners
Some organizations prefer to make a donation towards TOBFC’s general funds. This provides TOBFC with the flexibility to be nimble on the ground and act where we see a pressing need. Sustainable funding sources provide critical support for everything we do to empower remote communities in Tanzania to work together, grow, and flourish.
TOBFC holds events that are essential to financing our programs and services. Our event sponsors are key to the success of our annual fundraising gala, curling bonspiels, and many other initiatives. View our past events for a list of donors.
TOBFC sponsors over 100 students throughout their primary, secondary, and post-secondary education. To learn more about sponsoring a student, visit our Academic Support program page.
If you would prefer to make a personal donation to The Olive Branch for Children, your support would be greatly appreciated. Your donation will be included in the Global Family donor recognition section of our website.
To discuss any of these sponsorship opportunities, please contact Founder and CEO
Deborah McCracken-Nangereke at
Thank you to our 2024 Leading Program Sponsor
LiUNA Local 183!
Thank you to all our Program Sponsors and Partners!